Coronaphobia Test (COVID-19 Anxiety)

Please rate how much the following statements apply to you when dealing with COVID-19-related situations using the scale:

The Coronaphobia Test (COVID-19 Anxiety) is an essential tool to help you assess how much the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your mental health. If you experience excessive fear, worry, or distress when dealing with COVID-19-related situations, this test can provide valuable insights into your emotional response to the pandemic. Using a scale from 0 to 4, the Coronaphobia Test asks you to rate how much certain statements apply to your feelings and behaviors over the past period.
Whether it's concerns about contracting the virus, social distancing, or fear of the ongoing changes in daily life, this test evaluates the extent of your COVID-19-related anxiety. Understanding your emotional reaction to the pandemic is a crucial step in seeking support, coping strategies, or professional help. Take the Coronaphobia Test (COVID-19 Anxiety) today to better understand your anxiety and start addressing your concerns for improved mental well-being during these challenging times.

Please select the appropriate value for each statement below.

Your Coronaphobia Level:

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