Depersonalization-Derealization Test
This Depersonalization-Derealization Test helps identify symptoms related to depersonalization (feeling detached from yourself) and derealization (feeling detached from the external world). These dissociative symptoms can be distressing and may interfere with daily life. This test is not a diagnostic tool, but it can help you evaluate whether you’re experiencing these symptoms. If the symptoms are frequent and interfere with your life, seeking professional help is recommended.
Please rate how much each statement applies to you over the past month using the scale:
- 0 – Not at all
- 1 – Rarely
- 2 – Sometimes
- 3 – Often
- 4 – Almost always
Your score:
Your results indicate:
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- 0-12: Low likelihood of depersonalization or derealization (not significant symptoms)
- 13-24: Mild symptoms (mild dissociation; might not interfere significantly with daily life)
- 25-36: Moderate symptoms (disturbing feelings of detachment that may affect daily activities or functioning)
- 37-48: Severe symptoms (major dissociative episodes; should seek professional help)