Health Anxiety Quiz

Health anxiety refers to excessive worrying about health and illness, even in the absence of medical evidence. This quiz helps assess the level of health anxiety you're experiencing.

Please rate how much each statement applies to you over the past month using the scale:

What is Health Anxiety? 🤔

Health anxiety, also known as hypochondria or illness anxiety disorder, involves excessive worry about having a serious medical condition. It can lead to frequent doctor visits, constant symptom-checking, and distressing thoughts about health.

Take the Health Anxiety Quiz 📝

Answer the following questions honestly to assess your level of health anxiety:

  1. Do you frequently check your body for signs of illness? (Yes/No)
  2. Do you often search online for symptoms of diseases? (Yes/No)
  3. Do you worry excessively about minor symptoms? (Yes/No)
  4. Have you visited multiple doctors for reassurance about the same symptoms? (Yes/No)
  5. Does your fear of illness interfere with your daily life? (Yes/No)


How to Manage Health Anxiety 🧘‍♂️

If your quiz results suggest high health anxiety, here are some ways to cope: